Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yunnan Province

Over spring break, I went to Yunnan Province in West China! Those 8 days consisted of train rides, bus rides, and plane rides; hiking up and down mountains, horseback riding, and biking; and learning more about Chinese and Tibetan culture. We made it back to Minhang Campus two days ago (after spending the night in the airport) , and I'm still exhausted!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Year's Celebration!

Below is the video of our performance from the Chinese New Year's Banquet at Jiao Tong University. Everyone in the School of Mechanical Engineering was invited to a dinner with student and faculty performances for entertainment. We created a dance that incorporated Chinese songs as well as American songs. I'm in the back, the farthest position from the camera. Check it out!

Nanjing Photos

The slideshow below summarizes my trip to Nanjing, one of China's most cultured cities. Nanjing is a short 2 hour train ride north of Shanghai. That weekend, three Chinese friends accompanied our American group. Together, we saw the Nationalist Capitol of China, the Ming Memorial, and the Nanjing Massacre Museum and Memorial. We also climbed a mountain and stood stop the Nanjing Wall, one of the oldest walls in China protecting the city from invasion during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).